My Blog
Hi all!
Where's Dave been? I've been locked away, hard at work turning my multimedia presentation The 10,000 Christs and the Evaporating Jesus into a full-fledged book and DVD, except for the occaisonal speaking engagement. In the meantime, all you 10K Christ fans out there can keep up with new developments and future 10K Christs events here.
I just got here. Did you say The 10,000 Christs and the Evaporating Jesus- what is that?
The 10,000 Christs and the Evaporating Jesus (10K Christs for short) is a multimedia investigation of the historical evidence for Jesus Christ. It's more fun than it sounds. It asks "What can we know about the real Jesus? Can we even be sure there was a historical Jesus? And if not, how could this huge enchillada called Christianity have ever come about?" I like to call it a thoughtful and slightly smart-assed examination of the historical evidence for Jesus. It sheds light on the origins on Christianity, including some of the lesser-known saints and scoundrals who helped bring us the Christian scriptures. The audience responses have been tremendous.
When can I see it?
10K Christs was a big hit at American Atheists' national convention last month in San Antonio, TX. Thanks to everyone there who had such nice things to say about it!
January 8, 2006 -Atheists & Other Freethinkers, Sacramento, CA
March 25 -San Francisco Atheists, San Francisco, CA
April 16 -American Atheists National Convention, San Antonio, TX
Upcoming 10K Christ Events:
June 4 The Humanist Forum, Palo Alto
The 10,000 Christs and the Evaporating Jesus. See for details.
June 24th - West Coast Regional Atheist Meet (Crowne Plaza Hotel San Francisco Mid-Peninsula, Foster City)
I'll be part of a panel discussion called "Jesus 2006: Strange New Wrinkles & Weird Old Theories on Jesus." My co-panelists will be Columbia historian Richard Carrier and Bay Area writer Don Havis. For more details, check out the SF Atheists website:
(FAll 2006) TBA - Personal Theology Seminar Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
Stay tuned! More to come...
Yours in Christs,